Propostas submetidas

Gerado a 2025-03-13 07:10:14 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Oversee: Identification of Anomalous Vessel Behaviour

Áreas de especialidade

Engenharia de Software

Sistemas Inteligentes

Local do Estágio

Coimbra, Taveiro


Critical Software develops state of the art critical systems, with the defence being one of the main areas. In these areas, there are a system developed by Critical that is used by the Navy to monitor several vessels in a country see jurisdiction zone, this system is called Oversee. Vessels are monitored and when there is a suspicious behaviour the persons in charge of monitoring the system start the means needed to understand the suspicious behaviour. Doing this manually consumes a lot of human resources and does not guarantee that all the suspicious behaviours are detected. Being able to do it automatically would be much more efficient and less error prone. For this using Machine Learning and the ability to identify these behaviours and learn from it is one of the paths that is going to be explored. Other Artificial Intelligence techniques might be used.


The main goal of this internship is to develop a set of algorithms able to automatically detect the suspicious behaviour of vessels being monitored. There is a lot of information about the vessels, like GPS positions, source and destinations points. The main idea is to defined a solution possibly based on machine learning and/or other Artificial Intelligence techniques able to solve this problem. This goal can be subdivided in:
- Defining the Scope of the Behaviour Detection and Understanding the Available Data and System
- Creating the Technical Specification
- Development of the Solution inside Oversee’s System
- Testing and Benchmarking the Solution against real data
Data understanding and preprocessing is crucial for the application of Machine Learning or other computational learning methods.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

Fases do estágio: descrição, resultados, calendarização
The internship has the following stages:
- Defining the Scope of the Behaviour Detection [result: requirement list, September and October]
- Understanding the Available Data and System [result: Data and System description, September and October]
- Reading and Writing the State of the Art [result: state of the art, September to December]
- Creating the Technical Specification [result: technical specification, December to February]
- Writing the internship proposal [result: internship proposal, January and February]

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

Fases do estágio: descrição, resultados, calendarização
The second semester comprises the following stages:
- Development [result: first prototype, February to May]
- Testing and Benchmarking [result: second prototype, June]
- Writing the internship report [result: internship report, June and July]


O Orientador Académico e o Orientador Industrial são responsáveis por acompanhar o Estagiário garantindo que este tem as condições necessárias para a execução do estágio, incluindo acesso a instalações e materiais ne-cessários para o efeito. A avaliação do Estágio é da responsabilidade da Instituição de Ensino Superior, sendo o Orientador Industrial responsável por prestar informações requeridas por esta para esse efeito.
A bolsa de estágio oferecida é de 450 euros.


Bruno Saraiva 📩