Auto Propostas

Gerado a 2025-03-02 18:55:55 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Design and implementation of a Progressive Web App

Áreas de especialidade

Engenharia de Software

Local do Estágio



Fast times require fast approaches. The market is on constant demand and requires fast, approachable, reliable and engaging experiences to the users. That’s why Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) might be the next big thing:

They are reliable due to the instant load time, even when there is no internet connection;
They are fast and support top of the shelf technology;
The UI/UX is natural and is shown to the end-user as a silky and smooth experience, becoming immersive;
Security is a must and is achieved due to the need to serve PWAs from a secure origin using HTTPS.

GitHub serves the most commonly used version control, git, with over 13.7 million repositories. GitHub provides a platform that can be seen as a social network used by developers to show what they’re building, re-use committed code, make suggestions and changes. It enables open-source and brings a collaboration world to achieve better products, see its code and underlying history.

A GitHub client will enable end-users to deal with features of GitHub in a smooth, clean and fast way, despite being on a phone, tablet or desktop.


The goal of this project is to assess the benefits of a write once run everywhere paradigm. Using Google’s idea of PWA and UI/UX directives, the outcome should be an application that runs and seamlessly works with the GitHub API, managing its resources and features over a GraphQL communication, leaving REST behind. The achieved product should be cross-platform, cross-browser, get the best out of push notifications, can be in the device home screen and will leverage a better management of a GitHub account. For example, an authenticated user might create, modify and delete a repository, start and search repositories, search and follow users, and several other core features.

The work of this internship should result in a complete PWA of Git in the context of an ongoing research and development project.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

Study of the state of the art and familiarisation with existing documentation and resources regarding PWAs, as well as the GitHub API. (months 1-2)

Design a PWA to manage GitHub API resources. (months 3-4)

Write intermediate report. (month 5)

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

Implement the PWA. (months 6-7)

Test and evaluate the PWA in terms of UX/UI with users. (months 8-9)

Write final report (month 10)




Filipe Araujo 📩