propostas com aluno

Gerado a 2024-07-17 11:31:13 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Plataformas de computação serverless: Estudo e benckmark

Áreas de especialidade

Sistemas de Informação

Engenharia de Software

Local do Estágio



With the emergence of the Internet of Things, there is an increasing demand to invoke services acting as front-ends for sensors and actuators on the cloud. Hence, the idea of orchestrating a large numbers of these services centrally on the cloud, in particular OpenStack, emerges naturally.

On the other hand, despite the migration to the cloud of many workflow tools, these tend to run in isolated environments, thus requiring considerable integration efforts with data and other services available on the cloud.

Some promising tools, such as AWS Step Functions and AWS Lambda do exist but are proprietary. Similar OpenStack-based alternatives do not seem to exist, at least, in a mature form.


The goal of this project is to assess existing cloud-based workflow systems, and design and implement an alternative specially tailored to run in OpenStack. By leveraging direct support from OpenStack, the workflow system should be able to seamlessly integrate with OpenStack resources and events, inside the same environment, following uniform authentication and authorization rules. For example, the workflow of a given user might react to multiple triggers in OpenStack (e.g., the arrival of a new file or message from some device), and perform several operations in response, like moving or copying a file, extracting data, and so on, using OpenStack tools without crossing authentication boundaries.

The work of this internship should result in a proof-of-concept in the context of an ongoing research project.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

Study of the state of the art and familiarization with existing cloud-based workflow environments, as well as the OpenStack API and tools. (months 1-2)

Design or adapt a workflow system to run in OpenStack. (months 3-4)

Write intermediate report. (month 5)

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

Implement the workflow system. (months 6-7)

Test and evaluate the workflow system. (months 8-9)

Write final report (month 10)


A 6-month scholarship of 745 euros per month is foreseen for this work (pending authorization from FCT).


Paulo Rupino da Cunha e Filipe Araújo 📩