Propostas sem aluno atribuído - Janeiro de 2015

Gerado a 2025-03-13 07:54:36 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Online Monitoring and 3D Mapping with Microsoft Kinect 2

Áreas de especialidade

Sistemas Inteligentes

Local do Estágio

Ingeniarius, Lda. (Mealhada), RoboCorp (Coimbra)


Ingeniarius, Lda. has been working on cloud robotic solution, from which online monitoring and teleoperation have been some of the properties shared by all robotic platforms. As smart devices themselves, the robots connect to the internet, exchanging data with the user, including sensor readings, battery level, actuators state, and others. Recently, the team has been equipping time-of-flight cameras, namely the recently released Microsoft Kinect 2, in some of these platforms. This new add-on has the purpose of providing, not only visual information about the surroundings, but also to endow them with 3D mapping capabilities. However, two problems emerge with the addition of this new hardware: i) streaming high volumes of data, such as RGB-D images, over the internet and in real-time, is still an open challenge; ii) performing 3D simultaneous location and mapping (SLAM) is CPU consuming, both in terms of memory and processing complexity.


This project focus on the software integration of Microsoft Kinect 2 on different cloud robotic platforms. At first, the purpose is to provide real-time feedback about the robots surrounding over the internet, providing RGB, infrared and depth imaging. Secondly, 3D RGB-D SLAM techniques should be implemented by adapting already conceived ROS stacks designed for that purpose ( The programming shall be divided into three layers: i) robot with ROS programming in C++ (Microsoft Kinect 2 SDK, 3D SLAM, TCP/IP client); ii) cloud server in C++ programming (TCP/IP server, WebSocket to graphical user interface, MySQL for database management); iii) graphical user interface in Javascript (2D and 3D visualizers in browser, WebSocket to cloud server, MySQL for database management).

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

1.Literature review on cloud robotics and 3D SLAM;
2.Formulate research questions;
3.Write report with state-of-the-art and objectives;
4.Development of graphical user interface in the cloud using Javascript for 2D and 3D visualization.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

1.Development of a streaming function in C++, client and server side, for Microsoft Kinect 2 through its several options (e.g., RGB image, infrared image, depth image, etc.);
2.Development of a 3D SLAM using Microsoft Kinect 2 as depth and RGB sensor;
3.Development of a cloud graphical user interface in Javascript and communication protocol between robot, server and database, using TCP/IP, Websocket and MySQL;
4.Trials, evaluation and possible improvements of the system;
5.Write report of internship.


The intern must have know-how in C++, Javascript and MySQL and, above all, he/she must be motivated. The first semester will not be paid. Depending on how the first semester goes, the second semester may include meal and transport allowance, as well as prizes depending on the overall results of the internship.


The intern will work with an active research and development multidisciplinary group, which will provide him/her with strong scientific and technical support in many areas, such as robotics, electrical engineering, computer science, mathematics, multimedia, and others. The intern will have the opportunity to work in cutting-edge research areas, giving the first steps in the development of many innovative solutions. The intern will also have the opportunity to participate in several events organized by the company, such as in the evaluation and dissemination of the developed solutions.


Micael Santos Couceiro 📩