Propostas Submetidas MEI 2014/2015

Gerado a 2024-07-17 11:25:44 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

From Facebook Graph to a Service Graph

Áreas de especialidade

Sistemas de Informação

Local do Estágio



There is in society a fundamental paradigm shift from corporation-centric to network-centric economies. Established models such as Peter Drucker’s concept of The Corporation (1946) and Porter’s Five Forces model (1985) do not serve us well anymore and must be complemented by network models for which we know very little about.

The vision statement “Locating Your Next Strategic Opportunity”, published by Harvard Business Review in March 2011, clearly shows some of the innovations that can be explored by using service network data models.

The goal of this project is to develop a formal and computer-understandable service network data model to have a model similar to the Facebook Social Graph for service networks as well as a Web API to programmatically interface with the model.
The model will provide an important resource that will enable the first research studies of service-oriented economies.


The problem with current network models to capture networks of all sorts (traffic, communication, etc.) are static and information “poor”. For example, the Stanford Network Analysis Platform (SNAP -- stores networks in a flat text file using nodes IDs. While this representation is suitable for algorithms only considering the graph structure of networks, the domain of real-world services is marked by the availability of large amounts of web data that needs to be processed by algorithms. This requires to capture/reference web data using a suitable computer understandable format.

Our idea is to integrate and extend a service description model and a relationship description model we have developed in our previous work (see Linked USDL and OSSR -- using semantic web technologies to create a semantic graph. We will carry out three complementary activities:

1.1) extend existing service models.
1.2) extend existing relationship models.
1.3) integrate both models and develop an API to programmatically access service networks.

We will extend Linked USDL and the Open Semantic Service Relationship models to represent service networks as semantic graphs. We have been working on Linked USDL to describe services, with The Open University (UK) and SAP Research (Germany), for the past 5 years.
A Web API will be developed to interface with the model.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

(a) Study the main technologies to be used by the project (e.g., Facebook Graph API, Linked USDL, OSSR, and RDFS) (Setembro a Dezembro de 2014).

(b) Develop the first prototype of a Web API for a Service Networks Graph (Minimum Viable Product) (Novembro de 2014 a Fevereiro de 2015).

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

(c) Testes the Web API with real data (Março de 2015).

(d) Develop the final system prototype of a Web API for a Service Networks Graph (Março de 2014 a Jun de 2015).

(e) Documentation (running task from begin to end) (Setembro 2014 a Jun de 2015).

(f) Report writing and defense (Abril a Jun de 2015).

If the results of the project are complete, sound, and innovative, it will be possible to write a final research paper to be published in a scientific outlet.


Este trabalho será realizado no DEI/Universidade de Coimbra.
Mestrado não remunerado.


Jorge Cardoso 📩