Propostas sem aluno atribuído - Setembro de 2014

Gerado a 2025-03-02 15:04:48 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Keyword-Search in BigData

Áreas de especialidade

Engenharia de Software

Local do Estágio



As more and more structured data becomes available on the Web, and Web users shift towards a more general non-technical population, keyword searching is becoming a valuable alternative to traditional structured queries, mainly due to its simplicity and the basic knowledge required from users. Nevertheless, existing approaches suffer from a number of limitations when applied to multi-source scenarios requiring some form of query planning, and with frequent updates precluding any effective implementation of data indexes. Typical scenarios include open data, big data and virtual data integration systems. Therefore, building effective keyword searching techniques can have an extensive impact since it allows non-professional users to access large amounts of information stored in structured repositories through simple keyword-based query interfaces. This revolutionises the paradigm of searching for data since users are offered access to structured data in a similar manner to the one they alr


What is the most adequate approach to solve the problem of keyword-based search in structured, semi-structured and unstructured information? The solution should revolve around semantic data management, information retrieval, artificial intelligence, user interaction, and natural language processing, but data management and scalability are also a central part of the solution. In this thesis we propose a scalable solution for keyword search over bigdata. The solution will transform keyword search into the required formats – full-text, structured and SPARQL search (depending on the sources), and investigate scalable solutions for indexing and searching over the data.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

1- estudo da arte
Estudar-se-á as soluções actuais para o problema. Estudar-se-á as propostas para o futuro. Escreveremos um artigo "survey" sobre o assunto.

2- definição de soluções
Tendo em conta cada um dos aspectos descritos nos objectivos, delinearemos soluções.

3- planeamento do sistema de teste
Especificaremos como será o prototipo de teste.

4- inicio da implementação
Desenvolveremos o prototipo.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

5- desenvolvimento do prototipo
Desenvolveremos o prototipo.

6- Resultados e Artigos cientificos
Escreveremos artigos sobre o assunto, com resultados experimentais.

7- escrita de artigo e da tese
Escreveremos a tese e artigo sobre o assunto.

Plano no tempo:


estagio cientifico, nao remunerado.


Este estágio insere-se numa colaboração na acção cost europeia .


Pedro Furtado 📩