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Gerado a 2024-07-17 11:19:55 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Interactive Soundscapes in Mobile Contexts

Áreas de especialidade

Comunicações, Serviços e Infraestruturas

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Game Sound Design is an area we have invested significantly in the past years having developed a Pattern Language for Sound Design in Games. Sound Design is a hard task in sequential media like cinema. In digital games it is made even harder by the fact that sound composition needs to be considered in the interactive context that is open to redefinition by player actions. Game programmers need to manually control each sound source, setting its play timing and modifications according to what is happening in the game.
Soundscape design involves a set of concepts and methodologies that try to support an ecological perspective of sound design in context and has been the foundation for developing an innovative sound engine prototype for game audio. In this project we intent to develop further this sound engine to support and test a set of heuristics for managing dynamic soundscapes in interactive mobile scenarios.


The main goal of this project is the extension of our soundscape composition engine with the implementation and testing of a set of heuristics for soundscape composition, to be played using mobile devices (smartphones/tablets) while the user walks around interacting with a game-like experience.
This project follows a Design Research approach, with the following outcomes:

a) definition of a set of soundscape composition/management heuristics;
b) port of current prototype and implementation of the heuristics set;
c) a demo interactive scenario to validate the heuristics' results;

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

A1. (M1-M3) State of the art research - research and document the relevant SoA, publications and software review, for the study of the problem at hand;

A2. (M2 - M3) Detailed proposal - detailed characterization of the problem to be solved stating specific goals and requirements, assumptions and milestones for the rest of the project;

A3. (M3 - M4) Initial Design - porting the current prototype, performing technology tests, identification of quality attributes, initial architectural design for the proposed solution, including user interface model

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

A4. (M5 - M10) Prototyping - implementation and testing of a working prototype, tuning or corrections based on evaluation results

A5. (M9) Evaluation - definition of evaluation criteria and method, performance or evaluation and analysis of results

A6. (M10 - M11) Statement of Learning - production of paper/thesis with process report and reflection on knowledge production


In this design and prototyping process there is the opportunity of exploiting an ongoing collaboration with the Media Design group from the University of Bremen.
Estágio a realizar em lab do GSI CISUC.


Estágio pré-acordado com o aluno Luís Miguel Carreira Marques


Licínio Gomes Roque
lir@dei.uc.pt 📩