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Gerado a 2024-07-17 11:31:28 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Visualization and analysis of geographic information: algorithms and data structures

Áreas de especialidade

Sistemas Inteligentes

Local do Estágio

DEI-FCTUC / SmartGeo


This MSc project is integrated into the "SGP - GIMS" project funded by QREN program. This project aims to develop an application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) operating through a Web platform, and allowing for a low cost and simplified integration, management and manipulation of georeferenced information.

The project is a partnership between the Department of Mathematics and Department of Informatics Engineering from the University of Coimbra, and Smartgeo Solutions, a company of geographic information systems. The research focus is on the management of Big Data in Geographic Information Systems and the development of multicriteria algorithms for efficient route calculation.


This MSc project aims to develop a real-time application that allows the analysis and visualization of geographic data provided by the geographic information system (GIS) infrastructure developed at Smartgeo. Special emphasis is given to the development of efficient algorithms that allow to aggregate and select geographic data according to a given set of criteria.

Clustering of geographic data can be recast as facility-location problems, such as the p-center problem; given a set of points in the plane, the goal of the p-center problem is to find a subset of p points that minimizes the maximum distance between these points and the remaining ones. The MSc student will investigate branch-and-bound and heuristic approaches for these problems and related variants. Then, he will integrate the best approaches in a visualization framework. Finally, he will perform an in-depth experimental analysis using Open Street Map data.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

- Literature review: Geographic Information Systems, OGC Standards WMS/WFS, Map Projections, algorithms and heuristics for clustering and facility-location problems.
- Development of a Branch-and-bound approach
- Writing of the intermediate report.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

- Development of heuristic approaches.
- Experimental analysis of the algorithms.
- Comparison between the different approaches using Open Street Map data
Integration of the algorithms in the visualization framework through web mapping standards (WMS/WFS)
- Writing of the thesis


The Msc student will have access to the computing enviroment at Smartgeo and at ECOS. This project may have a project grant associated.


Luís Paquete e Pedro Reino (SmartGeo)
paquete@dei.uc.pt 📩