Propostas sem aluno atríbuido MEI 2013/2014

Gerado a 2025-03-13 08:24:53 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Semantic Information Visualization

Área Tecnológica

Inteligência Artificial

Local do Estágio

DeI - Laboratório de Inteligência Artificial


In the last years, new techniques for information visualization have emerged (see Not only for showing complex information but also for visualization of data in big volumes – Big Data. The discovery of new visual representations for information that is complex and in huge volumes is very important for user insight and learning, which can also be called Visual Data Mining. Semantic Web systems are rapidly getting to the scale of Big Data. These systems work with triples and store these triples in what is called triple stores. These triple stores can easily reach hundreds of million triples and handle several thousand queries per minute. One interesting aspect of these systems is that they represent the knowledge in the form of Ontologies, which can be seen as a graph. Visualizing these type of structures is very important and one of the challenges is: how can this amount of information be visualized in an interpretable way for a human.
In this thesis, we want to explore the use of the latest information visualization techniques to provide the user insightful ways to explore and analyze semantic information (ontologies). This work proposal includes the creation of a system that is able to read from a triple store and show the ontology to the user using several different visualizations.


The objective of this thesis is the creation of a prototype that is able to show the concepts, relations, attributes and instances of an Ontology. The main requirements are: to provide a way to visualize the ontology, to interact with the given visualization, to provide several different visualizations according to the type of ontology, to reduce information overload, to provide cluster mechanisms, etc.

The candidate will elaborate a state of the art study on the topics and technologies covered by this thesis. After this initial phase, the candidate will implement a prototype using the most appropriate approaches. The work concludes with the prototype experimentation and thesis writing.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

- State of the Art [Set – Nov]
- Ontologies
- Semantic Web Technologies
- Information Visualization
- Related Work
- Analysis and Specification [Dec]
- Definition of System Requirements
- Use Case Definition
- Design and Specification
- Thesis Proposal Writing [Dec – Feb]

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

- Prototype Development [Mar – Jun]
- Prototype Experimentation [Jun – Jul]
- Thesis Writing [Jun – Jul]


This project has a scholarship associated.


The research work will take place in the Knowledge and Intelligent Systems laboratory of the Cognitive and Multimedia Systems group of CISUC.

Este é um Estágio de carácter científico que irá decorrer em consonância com o projeto europeu FP7 ConCreTe, pelo que o/a aluno/a pode vir a colaborar com outros investigadores/doutorandos da UC e de outras universidades europeias que estejam a trabalhar neste tópico.


Paulo Gomes 📩