Propostas sem aluno atríbuido MEI 2013/2014

Gerado a 2025-03-13 07:33:14 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Coupled Movement Interface and Procedural Content Generation for Multisensory Stimulation Games

Área Tecnológica

Interação com o Utilizador

Local do Estágio



The Interaction Design sub-area of Human-Computer Interaction constitutes a rich field of scientific study, with many challenges and methodological open issues. The particular context of using Digital Games for Multisensory Stimulation and Learning with challenged audiences (e.g. Autism) has been a target of research in previous studies at CISUC. In this context we intent to study the potential and limitations for employing natural interaction, movement-based, techniques with mapping of user movement and gestures (e.g. Kinect interface) for input in game environments.
A promising area in entertainment computing is that of Procedural Content Generation - using algorithms to dynamically generate game content (graphics, music, etc). For example, generative algorithms for music composition show great potential in this context. These techniques can potentially be used as a basis for building self-adaptive playable environments when couples with computable metrics of player performance.
In this project we want to couple PCG techniques for audio-visual and behavioral components with a movement-based interface to design and test responsive self-adaptable environments for multi-sensory stimulation.


On this project we will aim at the design and prototyping of specific interactive art or game-like environments, with the following goals:

a) assess current state-of-the-art in PCG and movement-based interfaces;

b) design and build a workable PCG multisensory stimulation environment; 

c) evaluate design proposals by studying their usability and playability;

To achieve these goals we propose to adapt existing game prototypes for enhancement, experimentation and logging of usage data.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

A1. (M1-M3) State of the art research - research and document the relevant SoA, publications and software review, for the study of the problem at hand; detailed characterization of the problem to be solved stating specific goals and requirements; 

A2. (M3 - M4) Design Proposal - conceiving of an interaction design proposal for the specific context, mapping of assumptions and milestones for the rest of the project; identification of quality attributes, and architectural drivers for the proposed solution, including interaction models and user interface draft

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

A3. (M5 - M9) Prototyping - implementation of a proof-of-concept prototype, tuning or corrections based on evaluation results;

A4. (M9) Evaluation - definition of evaluation criteria and method; performance of evaluation and analysis of results
A5. (M10 - M11) Statement of Learning - production of paper/thesis with process report and reflection on knowledge production


Estágio a realizar em ambiente laboratorial no CISUC com integração com projecto em curso e com a possibilidade de atribuição de bolsa de 6 meses.
Conclusão da disciplina de EDJ e IHC são factores de preferência.


Licinio Roque 📩