Colocações MEI 2013/2014

Gerado a 2024-09-21 01:59:36 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Semantic Social Mining

Área Tecnológica

Inteligência Artificial

Local do Estágio

DEI - Laboratório de Inteligência Artificial


The Social Web, like the facebook, twitter and others, is a very rich environment where a great deal of information about companies and products lies. Mining this information is not an easy task due to the specificities of the language used in these sources. From microblogging to news feeds, the constant flow of information is a process that has great influence in products and companies. Monitoring this information is an important task, which is one of the main goals of this work. Information from the Social Web must be searchable and analyzable, but for that it is needed to understand and extract information from the social web. Several types of information can be extracted from the social web, some of the most usual are: sentiment polarity (using sentiment analysis), opinion target (the entity being target of the sentiment polarity), topics (news topics for instance), etc.
What we want to explore in this thesis proposal, is the use of Semantic Web and Natural Language Processing mechanisms in information extraction from the Social Web. This work proposal includes the use and creation of several tools and libraries to extract semantic information from social web sources, and represent this information using Semantic Web technologies in order to be analyzed. The main targets of this work are: microblogging, online news and blog posts. The addressed language is English and Portuguese, but several extraction tools, libraries and resources already exist, which will allow the candidate to perfect the ones that need to be improved.


The main objective of this thesis proposal is the development of a prototype capable of:
• Gathering information from several social web sources.
• Extract semantic information from these sources.
• Analyze and generate several report types: sentiment analysis, topic identification, product monitorization, etc.
• Searching and Browsing of Social Web information.
It is also an objective of this thesis to create a state of the art of the field of social web analysis, including: sentiment analysis, topic identification, etc.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

- State of the Art [Set – Nov]
- Natural Language Processing
- Semantic Web Technologies
- Social Web
- Tools and Resources
- Related Work
- Analysis and Specification [Dec]
- Definition of System Requirements
- Use Case Definition
- Design and Specification
- Thesis Proposal Writing [Dec – Feb]

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

- Prototype Development [Mar – Jun]
- Prototype Experimentation [Jun – Jul]
- Thesis Writing [Jun – Jul]


This project has a scholarship associated.


This thesis is part of the project iCIS (

Este é um Estágio de carácter científico que poderá decorrer em consonância com o projeto europeu FP7 ConCreTe, pelo que o/a aluno/a pode vir a colaborar com outros investigadores/doutorandos da UC e de outras universidades europeias que estejam a trabalhar neste tópico.


Paulo Gomes 📩