Propostas de Estágio 2011/2012

Gerado a 2025-02-04 06:00:20 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Sensing the Buzz

Área Tecnológica

Sistemas Móvies e Ubíquos

Local do Estágio



Nowadays, the most relevant events in the city are advertised online, however it often becomes difficult to know exactly what is happening in a place: information is spread across too many websites, many times not easy to understand.

In the AmILab/CMS, we have been working on the "enrichment" of place and event information. An example of enrichment applied to events would be to know (for example from Wikipedia (dbPedia)) that a specific rock group has a specific style, a famous music, etc. even if it is not advertised online. Another example would be to infer the popularity of the event (from google hits and opinion mining).

In our project on "Semantics and the City" (jointly with Senseable City and ITS Labs of MIT), one of the main tasks is to correlate mobility with event semantics. With good information on events, we should be able to understand its mobility implications.

The role of the student in this project is to work on the event analysis side, particularly on inferring popularity of events and mining for other information.


Continuing previous work in this subject as in (Pereira et al., 2009; Alves et al.; 2009), and especially after Joao Oliveirinha's MSc dissertation, we will apply Information Extraction techniques to a set of event listing websites. The goal is extract, for each event, besides the basic information (time, day, name, type), as much non-trivial information as possible (e.g. popularity, list of most important words, subcategories, price, etc.).

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

The tentative plan for this project (semester 1) is the following:
- October 15th - State of the art (1.5 months)
- October 31st - Understanding prevous work in the lab + requirements specification (2 months)
- November 30th - Event Enricher, Part I. (1 month)
- December 15th - Experimentation. (1 month)
- January 15th - Journal Paper submission (2 months)
- February 27th - Intermediate report. Plan for new developments on the system of the following semester. Possible topics include Sentiment analysis, Integration of ontologies, New resources, Further experimentation. (1 month)

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

The tentative plan for this project (semester 2) is the following:
- April 30th - Implementation of new developments (2 months)
- May 31th - Experiments report. Paper submission. (1 month)
- June 30th - MSc thesis delivery. (1 month)


Strong skills in programming (Java), Web crawling, screen scrapping, Web Services.

Will to communicate in English with other researchers is also important.

Other interesting skills include Information Extraction techniques, Artificial Intelligence, Ubiquitous Computing


This work will be paid with a regular BIC grant (see FCT salary table).


Francisco Câmara Pereira e João Oliveirinha 📩