Titulo Estágio
Mixed modelling/simulation for basic education
Área Tecnológica
Tecnologia Educativa
Local do Estágio
With the appearance of Wireless Sensor Networks and mobile devices new opportunities to access real data more easily appeared. Mixing both, model/simulation elements and real data, in models/simulations gives us the chance to link and merge real and virtual representations of the reality under study.
This work main goal is to develop a first environmental education modelling/simulation prototype tool for the creation of models/simulations that can integrate real data (coming from sensors, for instances) with conceptual constructs (model/simulation elements) for basic education.
Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1
Literature review of similar approaches and data collection (Set. till Dec.).
Requirements analysis and design of a first tool prototype (Dec. till Jan.).
Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2
Implementation of a first tool prototype (Feb. till May).
Preliminary field studies in schools (May).
Analysis of data from field studies (June).
Refinement of the tool, if needed (June).
Thesis writing (July).
This work will be done at DEI.
Maria José Marcelino
zemar@dei.uc.pt 📩