Colocações 2011/2012

Gerado a 2025-02-04 05:52:54 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Learning the User Model for Personal Assistant Agents

Área Tecnológica

Inteligência Artificial

Local do Estágio



An user model represents a collection of personal data associated with a specific user. Which data is included in the model depends on the purpose of the application. It can include personal information such as users' names and ages, their interests, their skills and knowledge, their goals and plans, their preferences and their dislikes or data about their behavior and their interactions with a specific system.


The goal of this project is the development of a personal agent so that it can represent an user model especially in what regards to the emotional and motivational (goals) tendencies of the user, given a certain context. With this aim, the personal agent should be able to gather information about the user from several sources, and by using appropriate machine learning algorithms build an user model so that it can predict the emotional and motivational (goals) aspects of the user in specific situations.

Although there are already a few target domains for the application of such personal agent, this is still an open issue that will be defined based on the specific interests of the student selected for this internship.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

1- State of the Art [Sept – Nov]
2- Analysis and Specification [Dec]
2.1- Definition of System Requirements
2.2- Use Case Definition
2.3- Design and Specification
3- Prototype Development [Dec – Feb]
4- Thesis Proposal Writing [Dec – Feb]

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

5- Prototype Improvement [Mar – May]
6- Experimental Tests [Jun – Jul]
6.1- Functional Tests
6.2- Performance Tests
7- Thesis Writing [Jun – Jul]


The work will be developed in one of the labs of the Cognitive and Media Systems group.


1- Tao, K., Abel, F., Gao, Q., Houben, G. (2011), TUMS: Twitter-based User Modeling Service,
2-Kobsa, A. (1993), User Modeling: Recent Work, Prospects and Hazards,


Luis Macedo 📩