Propostas atribuídas 2024/2025

Gerado a 2025-02-17 08:35:52 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Accessible website for persona cards

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DEI - FCTUC, University of Coimbra


As the world continues to become increasingly digitalized, accessibility must no longer be seen as just a convenience but as a fundamental necessity to ensure the inclusion of all individuals. However, effectively integrating accessibility into design practices in the web field is not yet adopted by all designers and developers, as educational tools and resources to these needs are limited. Persona cards have proven to be an effective tool in design to promote empathy and a better understanding of diverse users, yet there are few resources that adapt these personas specifically for accessibility and provide them with respective accessibility guidelines and solutions. This dissertation addresses this gap by developing an accessible website for designers and developers, presenting a set of Persona Cards that act as a practical guide providing direct insights into diverse needs of users with disabilities. This project contributes to the ongoing effort to make digital spaces more inclusive


This dissertation aims to develop an accessible website for designers and developers featuring a set of Persona Cards along with their respective requirements for accessibility compliance. To achieve this, It will be conducted a literature review on the use of Persona Cards in the context of accessibility, analyze and redesign the Persona Cards and implement an accessible website by creating a visual identity, user flow and medium to high fidelity prototypes. This will be followed by an evaluation of both the website and the Persona Cards through usability tests.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

1 - State of the art review of Accessibility in Digital Design and Persona Cards
2 - Analysis and Redesign of Personas Cards
3 - Develop the website's structural framework
4 - Write the intermediate document of the dissertation.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

5 - Develop a visual identity
6 - Design, prototype and implement a website
7 - Validate website usability and user experience
8 - Review the intermediate document of the dissertation (if needed) and write the remaining chapters of the dissertation.



Paula Alexandra Gomes da Silva 📩