Propostas atribuídas 2024/2025

Gerado a 2024-07-17 08:24:28 (Europe/Lisbon).

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Tools for Ethical Design and Development Practices

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Digital technology is nowadays a significant part of our society. As technology reaches into every aspect of our daily lives, the ethical and moral responsibilities of those involved in designing and developing these technologies increase. Designers and developers shape tomorrow’s society through their creations, emphasising the crucial need for ethical and responsible practices in their processes.
Ethics-oriented tools can guide design teams through ethical decision-making across the design and development process. This dissertation will investigate design tools to promote ethical awareness and decision-making (practices) in the design process of digital interactive systems. References:
C. Frauenberger, M. Rauhala, and G. Fitzpatrick. 2017. In-Action Ethics. Interact Comput, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 220–236. doi: 10.1093/iwc/iww024
Colin M. Gray, Shruthi Sai Chivukula, Thomas V Carlock, Ziqing Li, and Ja-Nae Duane. 2023. Scaffolding Ethics-Focused Methods for Practice Resonance. In Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS '23). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 2375–2391.
Colin M. Gray, Ike Obi, Shruthi Sai Chivukula, Ziqing Li, Thomas V Carlock, Matthew S Will, Anne C Pivonka, Janna Johns, Brookley Rigsbee, Ambika R Menon, and Aayushi Bharadwaj. 2024. Building an Ethics-Focused Action Plan: Roles, Process Moves, and Trajectories. In Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '24). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 295, 1–17.


The goal of this dissertation is to design a tool for implementing ethical processes and its manual of use. In addressing this goal, the student will:
- explore alternative designs for tools that can support design and development teams in implementing ethical processes.
- create a list of criteria for evaluating tools to support ethical design and development practices.
The final format of the tool will depend on the research findings as well as the student's interests and skills. Accordingly, the tool could take various forms, such as canvases, maps, guides, card-based games, or even frameworks for conducting speculative design fiction.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

- Review the state of the art on ethics in the design and development process, as well as tools that support design and development teams in implementing an ethical design process.
- Study the outcomes of an interview study with HCI design professionals that has been carried out by the supervisors
- Develop criteria for evaluating tools to support an ethical design process in practice in consultation with HCI design professionals
- Generate ideas and create rapid prototypes of tools to support the implementation of an ethical design process
- Define a preliminary evaluation plan to test the alternatives generated and contact relevant people/teams to be involved in the evaluation
- Write an intermediate dissertation document

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

- Define the final version of the evaluation plan, pilot it, and refine it (if needed)
- Execute the evaluation with relevant people/teams
- Create the final design of the tool that performed best in the evaluation
- Develop the manual and a case study on how to use the developed tool
- Review the intermediate dissertation document (if needed) and write the remaining chapters of the dissertation.


The student is expected to have an interest in the Human-Computer Interaction discipline and in developing ethical and responsible innovation. Fluency in English is a plus.


The work will be co-supervised by Leonor Tejo, who concluded her MSc in Design and Multimedia in 2023. Leonor Tejo researched the topic of this dissertation and is eager to share what she learned with the student who decides to take on this dissertation project.


Paula Alexandra Silva 📩