Propostas atribuídas 2024/2025

Gerado a 2025-03-13 08:47:11 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Generative graphics, video production, and mini-site for music promotion

Local do Estágio



The challenge of expressing the abstract, emotional, and cultural qualities of music has motivated artists and designers through many movements and has led to many innovative works. Visual music, experimental cinema, computational creativity and much of graphic design history have all been greatly inspired by the visual communication of music. Contemporary musicians promote their creations across a variety of platforms, both in online contexts, such as sites and social networks, but also through merchandising, packaging, stage designs and so on. Therefore, many visual communication assets are required with increasingly varied formats and typologies. As in past decades, it is usual for  important pieces to music to be promoted with music videos, but now these must also be complemented by shorter videos in other formats that can be shared on social networks and sites. Music may be published in physical format, such as vinyl LPs, but it will also be published on sites such as Spotify, Apple Music, Bandcamp, Youtube and others, all of which suggest the need for the creation of varied and dynamic visual imagery. Computational approaches can be used to create systems that can produce flexible imagery that meet these demands.


The student will use a computational approach to create dynamic graphic imagery for a musician, band or artist. The objective is to produces a suite of graphic assets and to apply them across diverse platforms and contexts such as video, web and other promotional materials. The system created will be capable of creating a varied visual output but that has some recognisable strategies or elements that allow for a sense of coherence between materials and contexts.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

– Selection and contacting of artist/musician/band and identification of the piece(s) of music for the project;
– Literature review and state of the art in the areas of computational creativity linked to music; visual music; music videos; graphic design and visual culture related to the relevant genre, artistic or cultural movements of the chosen piece(s) of music; 
– Planning and prototype of the computational approach;  
– Preparation of the presentation of work for the intermediate defence.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

– Completion of the computational system;
– Production of graphic material, merchandising, animation, video etc. as necessary to the project;
– Production of mini-site prototype;
– Presentation of visual assets to gather feedback from the artist/musician/group;
– Final adjustments and production of visual assets;
– Completion of mini-site and video;
– Conclusion of the written thesis.


Resources of DEI and DARQ as required.


Proposal developed with the MDM student Micael Nisa.


Paul David Hardman 📩