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Gerado a 2025-03-13 07:34:41 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Design of a Non-linear Storytelling Platform

Local do Estágio

CISUC Interactive Media Lab


Living in an era of information overwhelment, misinformation, post-truth politics, accelerating technological and scientific progress we can identify how in the everyday practice and expectation of instant access and instant gratification, an individual’s ability to comprehend waste and complex fields of knowledge is being challenged. To address this problem we cannot simply detach, isolate and retrogressively return to the previous, distraction-free and traditional mode of information apprehension. Instead, within this work, we are proposing a possible intervention which aims to establish a new, more efficient format of information and knowledge exchange in general.
Identifying as a primary problem the apathetic linearity of written textual form and in the aim of decreasing the workload of our brains in processing such a form of information, we return to mind maps not as an personal and collaborative medium for organization, but as an efficient and potentially widely accepted format to enable and explore new kinds of storytelling.


The project goal is to intervene in the practice of writing by developing a tool, a platform that could alter the linear paradigm of the resulting information form by the process of writing and make the information exchange more efficient, leading a pathway of habituation to non-linear maps instead of linear documents as a general format for information exchange.
The project follows a Design Research approach, with an emphasis of finding the right content nichés that could embrace the new non-linear map form as an everyday format of information exchange.
Several interface prototypes are expected to be created and tested in the process, utilizing mostly the React library and Next.js framework as well as services of Google’s Cloud Firestore for realtime database storage and Vercel’s platform for continuous deployment in order to maximize efficiency of prototyping and testing.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

We are adopting lean / research through a design method that follows roughly 2 months long cycles of continuous design process, experimentation and reflection.

A1. (Continuous) State of the art research - Collecting, researching and documenting the relevant SoA publications for the study of the problem, its theoretical foundations and possible approaches to its solution
A2. (M1 - M2) Prototyping and testing with various kinds of content with the goal of connecting with the right niché and identifying the initial suitable content for non-linear storytelling. This phase ends with demo, evaluation, and documenting of findings.
A3. (M3 - M5) Expanding the prototype by features of creating and editing content which includes both initial design, prototyping and testing. This phase ends with demo, evaluation, and documenting of findings.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

A4. (M6 - M7) Expanding the prototype by spatial and interactive features to finalize the intended format of non-linear maps. Includes designing, prototyping and testing for usability and malleability. This phase ends with demo, evaluation, and documenting of findings.
A5 (M8 - M9) Evaluation of the design object towards reducing latency of user’s onboarding and adaptation.
A6. (M10 - M11) Statement of Learning - production of paper/thesis with process report and reflection on knowledge production






Licinio Gomes Roque 📩