Propostas com aluno

Gerado a 2025-03-13 08:24:57 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

OperatorVis - Information visualisation guidelines for the analysis and understandability of data by operators 4.0

Local do Estágio

Porto or Remote Work


Background and motivation
The operator concept envisions a worker paired with a smart device in order to become a “smarter” and “healthier” worker. However, as visualization of data by the Operator 4.0 becomes an increasingly crucial part of the digitalization and automatization of industry, it is imperative to design and present that information in a way that responds to the necessities and requirements of the operator and the i4.0 workplace, in a clear and understandable manner, that supports ease of access and readability in the context, and restrictions, of the Industry 4.0 workplace.


The purpose of this project is to develop design guidelines and best practices for visualization of information by operators in the Industry 4.0 context, considering the limitations and restrictions that are found in such workplaces.

Innovative aspects
To date, studies of the readability for information at shop-floor in i4.0 contexts are scarce to non-existent. The creation of guidelines and best practices that are tested and validated in the field would greatly contribute to the knowledge of the field and inform future projects that deal with presenting information.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

1. State of the Art of visualization solutions to be used at shop-floor and in Industry 4.0 Environments.
2. Qualitative user research in i4.0 context.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

1. Co-design and experimentation of visualizations to be used by o4.0 in i4.0. Prototyping, quick-testing with users.
2. Iterating and refinement of prototype.
3. Development of guidelines and best-practices.


Candidate Profile
- Background in communication design or a similar area.
- Inquisitive and curious mind.
- Interest – and, ideally, experience – in facilitating co-creation sessions.
- Experience with information visualization tools.
- Willingness to perform field work in user research- co-creation and prototype assessment.
- Proficiency in English and good domain of Portuguese for field work.


MSc Thesis to be supervised by Prof. Paula Alexandra Silva (Department of Computer Science).

- Fettermann, D. C., Cavalcante, C. G. S., Almeida, T. D. D., & Tortorella, G. L. (2018). How does Industry 4.0 contribute to operations management?. Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, 35(4), 255-268. Chicago
- Romero, D., Stahre, J., Wuest, T., Noran, O., Bernus, P., Fast-Berglund, Å., & Gorecky, D. (2016, October). Towards an operator 4.0 typology: a human-centric perspective on the fourth industrial revolution technologies. In International conference on computers and industrial engineering (CIE46) proceedings.
- Wittenberg, C. (2016). Human-CPS Interaction-requirements and human-machine interaction methods for the Industry 4.0. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 49(19), 420-425. Chicago


Ricardo Manuel Coelho de Melo 📩