Propostas Atribuidas

Gerado a 2025-03-07 02:19:35 (Europe/Lisbon).

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Information visualization applied to airplane maintenance

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This dissertation takes place within the scope of project ReMAP, which will develop a solution for aircraft maintenance, the Integrated Fleet Health Management (IFHM) system. By replacing fixed-interval inspections with adaptive condition-based interventions, ReMAP will have an estimated benefit to the European aviation of more than 700 million Euros per year. This is due to a direct decrease in maintenance costs, reduced unscheduled aircraft maintenance events, and increased aircraft availability.
Within this wider scope, this proposal concerns the development of an interactive visualization framework to support maintenance scheduling and to carry out the maintenance actions.


One of the core goals of REMAP concerns the development of System Level Diagnostics, Prognostics and Health Management tools. One of the primary objectives is to prioritize and optimize the maintenance actions. This is based on the measures of degradation/failure extracted from the diagnostics and Prognostics & Health Management (PHM) algorithms, the criticality of the system/component under consideration (e.g., whether it belongs to the Minimum Equipment List) and the remaining useful life (RUL) of the corresponding component and system. Furthermore, REMAP also seeks to develop a Maintenance Decision Support Tool, which will allow adaptive planning, incorporating output from diagnostics and prognostics for aircraft systems and structures. Thus, there is a flow of information from Sensors to Machine Learning (ML) models to airplane level maintenance requirements, to fleet level scheduling of maintenance. In simple terms, the sensory information serves as input for the ML models, the ML models output estimates of the remaining useful life of the airplane’s components, these estimates are part of the information taken into consideration to determine the maintenance operations that should take place and their urgency, and, finally, the information regarding individual planes are the basis for scheduling the maintenance operations of the entire fleet.
The goal of this project is to develop information visualization toolbox that can assist the human users involved in these processes, which includes, but is not necessarily limited to:
- Designing and developing an interactive visualization framework of the relevant actionable information to support end-users in seamlessly finding and retrieving information of interest individual airplane maintenance (e.g. Visualizing the estimates of remaining useful life of multiple components);
- Designing and developing interactive information visualization models that can support the scheduling the maintenance operations of the entire fleet.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

• Review of the state of the art in Information visualization
• Familiarization with project REMAP and with the tools and algorithms being developed
• Data Acquisition, Parsing, Filtering and analysis
• Functional prototype of the Information Visualization tool - plane level
• Validation of the prototype
• Intermediary report and other documentation

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

• Data Acquisition, Parsing, Filtering and Analysis
• Functional prototype of the Information Visualization tool - fleet maintenance scheduling
• Validation of the prototype
• Iterative Refinement of the tools
• Writing the dissertation and other documentation


The work is to be conducted at the CMS group of CISUC. A workplace will be provided as well as the required computational resources.


A six month renewable scholarship worth 745€ is available.
Supervised by: Penousal Machado and Catarina Silva.


Penousal Machado / Catarina Silva 📩