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Re-imagining stereoscopic photography in the age of Virtual Reality
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(For images, open the only doc version of this proposal: https://bit.ly/36lHkTa )
Stereoscopic photography is almost as old as photography itself and its use became popular in the mid 19th century [1]. Even though stereoscopic photography is older than Virtual Reality (VR), it is easy to establish a parallel between these technologies and between the devices used to experience them: our current VR headsets, particularly mobile VR viewers, are very similar to the original stereoscopes of the 19th century. (See [2] for images of various stereoscopes, and [3,4] for videos about stereoscopic photography and stereoscopes.) With the new wave of VR that we are currently experiencing, stereo photography and video have received increased attention and there are now several commercial stereo cameras. It is thus interesting to consider how we can re-imagine the original viewing experience of stereoscopy photography in the light of our current technologies for VR and in an attempt to bridge both.
The Santa Cruz research project (https://santacruz.ces.uc.pt) is currently developing a 3D digital reconstitution of the Monastery of Santa Cruz of Coimbra in 1834. Given the historical period upon which the Santa Cruz project focuses, its outputs are particularly well-suited to this masters' project. For example, we could consider producing stereoscopic images of the virtual scenes that could be then viewed in a traditional stereoscope, but we could also consider producing 360º images that could only be viewed in a re-imagined stereoscope viewer.
In addition, in the context of the Santa Cruz research project, a book about photography in Coimbra is being prepared which could take advantage of an updated stereoscope viewer in order to allow stereo visualization of some of the old stereoscopic photographs of Coimbra.
This project aims at designing both the physical and the digital parts of the viewing/interacting experience with stereoscopic content.
An obvious approach is to make use of a smartphone for the computational part, and adapt or re-make a mobile VR viewer (see Figure 1). The smartphone's camera then could be used to identify a stereoscopic image in front of it and display it on the smartphone's screen. In addition, the system could even display richer contents related to the stereoscopic image such as 360º contents.
The objectives of this project are:
1. Re-imagine the stereoscope viewer in order to preserve the essential parts of the original viewing experience using a stereoscope but making it more accessible, flexible and up-to-date with current technologies.
2. Design both the physical device(s) as well as the digital interfaces.
3. Evaluate the resulting user experience
For objective 2., it is advisable to consider fabrication/prototyping tools such as 3D printing, laser cutting, CNC, etc. in order to produce a completely customized product.
Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1
1. Study the history of stereoscopic photography and of Virtual Reality
2. Study digital tools for implementing stereoscopic/360º visualizations (e.g., A-Frame)
3. Create a proof-of-concept for the digital part of the experience. Using an existing VR viewer, we should be able to scan a physical stereoscopic photo card and view it through the smartphone.
Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2
1. Prototype the physical part and design and develop a final solution
2. Design the digital part of the system
3. Evaluate the user experience
4. Write the report and a scientific paper
The student will have access to a stereoscope and to a development smartphone if necessary.
The student will have access to the 3D contents produced by the Santa Cruz research project.
This project will have the participation of Mauro Costa from the Santa Cruz research project.
[1] Flores, V. (2016). A Terceira Imagem: A fotografia estereoscópica em Portugal (versão resumida). (V. Flores, Ed.). Sistema Solar CRL.
[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stereoscope
[3] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1ej3jQt--U
[4] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-0PCmtROKY
Jorge C. S. Cardoso
jorgecardoso@dei.uc.pt 📩