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Gerado a 2025-03-13 08:35:16 (Europe/Lisbon).

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Designing a Mosaic Editor Platform for Mosaic Workshops and for the Classroom

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In the context of the MosaicoLab initiative (, various mosaic workshops are carried out during the year. To facilitate mosaic creation by kids, we have started developing a simple mosaic editor (web based) so that kids can first create a pattern, or modify an existing pattern before physically creating the mosaic.


The objective of this project is to study and design a platform to host this editor. The platform should support both the mosaic workshops scenario, but also a scenario where a teacher can ask young students to create one or more patterns using the editor, before coming to a mosaic workshop. The (interaction) design of the platform should include the elicitation of requirements (what functionality will teachers, students, workshop instructors value in the platform), identify design, prototyping and evaluation.
The final deliverable of this project should be an interactive mockup or prototype of the complete platform.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

- Study the Interaction Design process in depth
- Survey similar applications for the classroom and their functionalities
- Perform interviews and requirements elicitation
- Define a detailed interaction design process and timeline of activities (should consider the specific objectives above)
- Analyse possible prototyping tools for the development of the interactive, high-fidelity prototype

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

- Iterate the developed prototypes from low-fidelity paper-based to high-fidelity digital prototypes
- Develop the graphical identity for the application
- Implement an interactive high-fidelity prototype and evaluate it
- Write scientific paper and report




Jorge C. S. Cardoso 📩