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Gerado a 2025-02-02 00:36:41 (Europe/Lisbon).

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Exploring Sandbox Interactions for Museum Experiences

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In the context of the MosaicoLab initiative (, we are exploring various innovative digital museum experiences. In this project, we wish to explore the possibility of using a SandBox for creating interactive experiences surrounding the roman mosaic in the region. For this, we wish to follow an interaction design process, starting with interviews with stakeholders regarding the possible interactive experiences to develop (what would be interesting for kids to explore in the SandBox from the perspective of a museum?).


The objective of this project is to produce interactive prototypes of various interactive experiences for museums using the SandBox device. Specific objectives are

- Elicit requirements regarding possible experiences. This will entail studying the museums in the region (Conimbriga, Santiago da Guarda), interviewing stakeholders (museum staff, mosaic conservation and restoration technicians, etc.), educators.
- Design and iterate a few possible experiences. This will require programming proof-of-concept demos using the SandBox device (e.g. using Processing).
- Evaluate the usability and user experience of the resulting prototypes

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

Semester 1
- Study the SandBox device and SandBox experiences in other contexts
- Study the roman mosaic museums in the region and their educational offers
- Perform interviews and requirements elicitation
- Define the interactive experiences to develop

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

Semester 2
- Implement and iterate the interactive experiences, including the graphical design
- Evaluate the resulting prototypes
- Write scientific paper and report


Students will have access to the prototype Sandbox device at DEI.


Required student profile
-Love for interaction design.
-Experience in Processing programming.



Jorge Carlos dos Santos Cardoso 📩