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Gerado a 2025-03-08 10:11:49 (Europe/Lisbon).

Titulo Estágio

Design of a Mosaic Mobile Explorer Application

Local do Estágio



Mobile applications are increasingly a part of various contexts of our lives. In museums and other cultural heritage sites, mobile applications are increasingly used to provide visitors with virtual guided visits, or simply to provide a structured and easy way of finding additional information related to their specific location. Such an application could be a valuable asset for exploring the Roman mosaic sites in the region, giving tourists information about the various mosaic sites (and map locations) along with overviews and information about the specific mosaics. In the context of the MosaicoLab initiative ( we wish to develop such an application.


The objective of this project is to design a mobile application for the described context, following an interaction design process with close interactions with users of the Conimbriga site. The process should result in a complete, high-fidelity, interactive prototype implemented in a prototyping tool (to be defined by the student).

Specific objectives:
- Perform an ideation session to elicit possible concrete features for a mosaic explorer application
- Create an initial paper prototype for discussion with users and stakeholders in the Conimbriga site, and iterate this prototype
- Perform a user evaluation of an initial mockup (non-functional) using a real device
- Develop a graphical identity for the application
- Implement an interactive high-fidelity prototype
- Perform a usability evaluation over the high-fidelity prototype and improve the prototype.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

Semester 1
- Study the Interaction Design process in depth and specific case-studies related to mobile application design for cultural sites
- Define a detailed interaction design process and timeline of activities (should consider the specific objectives above)
- Perform an initial ideation session
- Analyse possible prototyping tools for the development of the interactive, high-fidelity prototype

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

Semester 2
- Iterate the developed prototypes from low-fidelity paper-based to high-fidelity digital prototypes
- Develop the graphical identity for the application
- Implement an interactive high-fidelity prototype and evaluate it




Required student profile
- Love for interaction design.


Jorge Carlos dos Santos Cardoso 📩