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Gerado a 2025-01-22 07:03:57 (Europe/Lisbon).

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Product Reaction Cards Web Plugin

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The Product Reaction Cards [1] is a set of 118 cards that can be used to gather feedback about the user’s reaction towards a product (website, application, etc.). Each card contains a single word that expresses either a positive or a negative feeling towards the website. Users select a number of cards that describe the website or how using the website made them feel. The user is then asked to narrow the selected cards down to five - the most important ones. By gathering the most important words from several users, website designers can get a feel of the satisfaction (or lack of) that users get from using the website.

It is usually applied as a post-usability test, i.e., after users had some time to experience the website. Although the card set is easy to apply and to analyse, it requires setting up a usability study, invite people, and the test, and apply the reaction cards. Moreover, many companies still don’t do user research and usability studies and are unaware of its benefits.


Create a low entry barrier to the application of the reaction cards toolkit by developing a web plugin that web developers can include in their sites to automatically gather users’ reactions words. The plugin should be configurable, but its main purpose is to “popup” at a given time and ask the user to classify the website using some of the words from the reaction cards toolkit.

Create an easy and quick to answer tool. The web plugin will “randomly” popup when a user visits the site, and it should be as simple as possible and provide a very quick way of responding to make sure that as much users as possible will answer (and not simply dismiss the popup). To achieve this, the reaction card toolkit must be simplified (i.e., we cannot display the complete set of words for users to choose from).

Compare the proposed alternative of applying the reaction cards to the most common approach of applying it post-test. For this we will need to select a few website, perform a usability test, and apply the reaction cards. We can then compare the results from these tests to the results gathered from the web plugin.

We do not wish to create “fake” websites to apply the web plugin, so we need a way to apply the plugin to websites that we do not own. For this we need to create a browser extension that can automatically inject our plugin in selected websites. This browser extension can be the start of an independent tool, but for this project it can be as simple as possible.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 1

- Study the practice of usability tests and post-test questionnaires
- Study the Microsoft reaction cards toolkit and related research
- Study browser extension programming (Google Chrome extensions)
- Design the plugin and extension
- - What data will the plugin gather automatically (demographic data? Location? Language?, etc.)
- - What rules make sense to trigger the popup? (time using the site, number of times, etc?)
- Develop prototype extension that “popups” up questionnaire in selected websites and records users’ answers.

Plano de Trabalhos - Semestre 2

- Finish extension/plugin implementation
- Perform study
- - phase 1: website selection
- - - Select user base for testing the extension/plugin
- - - With extension installed, measure the usage time for various web sites
- - - From the most often used sites, select a few for applying the reaction cards toolkit

- - phase 2: gather answers from plugin

- - phase 3: conduct usability tests on selected web sites and manually apply the reaction cards toolkit.
- - phase 4: compare results
- Write report and scientific paper


Workplace at CISUC's lab.


For more details see [url=]this document[/url].

Required student profile
JavaScript programming, interest in usability/user studies.

References and conferences


Jorge Carlos dos Santos Cardoso 📩